Babyboy did so good today, We had to take him to Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville today so they could check his heart. Last week they were listening to his heart at his apt for his two month shots and the said they heard a murmur which they heard one other time and were suppose to bring up at this apt esp if they still heard it, and they they did an ekg and a chest x-ray right after hearing it, nothing was abnormal but just in case they scheduled us and apt at vandy, which is what we did today. So today They did an ultrasound of his heart then did another ekg...they said everything looked fine then they listened to his heart and heard the murmur and said that it sounded like he may have a hole in his heart so they did another ultrasound of his heart to make sure they didn't miss anything, they didn't find anything again so they said he just has a murmur and that everything is fine! ♥ which of course i am extremely glad to hear, but i feel like if it sounded as though there was a hole in his heart doesn't that mean there probably is one!? i dont know, it just makes me nervous of course because that's is my baby!!
it was funny to watch him while they did the ultrasound on his heart, because he would get loud when the colors were on the screen..he noticed the louder he got the more red and blue would appear on the screen.
it was funny to watch him while they did the ultrasound on his heart, because he would get loud when the colors were on the screen..he noticed the louder he got the more red and blue would appear on the screen.
starting the ultrasound of his heart
watching the screen
♥ a special heart for his mommy and daddy ♥
God Bless