Saturday, November 26, 2011


Do you ever feel like no matter what you do its not enough? No matter how much you give you get nothing back? No matter how hard you try you just cant get it right? 

Sometimes it feels like a slap in the face and sometimes it hurts worse, or maybe a little less..depending on your situation. 

I feel like no mater what i always try/want to see the good in people/things, no matter how many times i am proven wrong i never give up trying. I always think that maybe if i can find the good in someone or something then maybe i can make a difference and maybe i can help make a change. It seems as though i am always proven wrong or hurt along the way. But that doesnt mean i give up hope because i know it only takes but a little bit to make a difference and to brighten someones day, whether they try just as hard in return or not. 

You may here me say that i have given up on so in so or something but the truth is, i havent and i cant. Very few gave up on me when i was growing up so why would i give up on someone else. 

Its like a pay it forward... Someone does something nice for you and you do something nice for someone else...may it be something life changing or just holding the door for someone. Its the thought that counts. But im the kind of person that unless you really screw me over ill always be there for you, no matter what. 

Sometimes things go wrong or you miss a step and fall, but you get back up and keep trying. 

A mom doesnt give up on their child when they stand for the first time but only for a second then fall, she continues to encourage her baby to stand again and take a step. A coach doesnt give up on a player after they strike out, they give you courage to go back up to bat and try again. A sister doesnt give up on their sister when they barrow their shirt and spill something on it. A brother doesnt give up on a brother for not being into the same sports as him. A sister doesnt give up on a brother for getting a girl pregnant. A brother doesnt give up on their sister for dating the wrong guy. A girl doesnt give up on guys after one broke her heart, they keep dating to find what they truly want/need in a guy and later find the one!  A child doesnt give up on learning how to ride a bike after the first fall, they use it as a tool to keep trying! A dad doesnt give up on his son when he doesnt follow in the same foot steps, he lets him make his own path to follow. 

I know sometimes life gets rough and you feel as though theres nothing left to do but to throw in the towel, no matter how hard it gets dont give up. i know i never will. i may walk away and try to tackle it another time, but i dont give up..esp not on a person. 

But theres also only so much you can do. You can be the bigger person..You can man up and confess when youve done wrong and except the punishment. You can try to make amends with those youve hurt. You can try to explain that it was all a big misunderstanding on both ends and try to make it right. 

Do whatever it is you feel you need to do, once you have done whatever it is you must sit back and realize that there is nothing more you can do....for the ball is in their court now. I say never give up, because you never know what the outcome will be. So whatever the situation be the bigger person and try to make it right! Just try, whats the worse that could happen!? 

Have Faith!

God Bless! 

"The minute you think about giving up, remember why you held on for so long"

"Just remember no matter what you do you're always enough" 

"Never give up on things that have once made you smile"

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