Monday, November 19, 2012

a special heart

Babyboy did so good today, We had to take him to Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville today so they could check his heart. Last week they were listening to his heart at his apt for his two month shots and the said they heard a murmur which they heard one other time and were suppose to bring up at this apt esp if they still heard it, and they they did an ekg and a chest x-ray right after hearing it, nothing was abnormal but just in case they scheduled us and apt at vandy, which is what we did today. So today They did an ultrasound of his heart then did another ekg...they said everything looked fine then they listened to his heart and heard the murmur and said that it sounded like he may have a hole in his heart so they did another ultrasound of his heart to make sure they didn't miss anything, they didn't find anything again so they said he just has a murmur and that everything is fine! ♥ which of course i am extremely glad to hear, but i feel like if it sounded as though there was a hole in his heart doesn't that mean there probably is one!? i dont know, it just makes me nervous of course because that's is my baby!! 

it was funny to watch him while they did the ultrasound on his heart, because he would get loud when the colors were on the screen..he noticed the louder he got the more red and blue would appear on the screen. 

starting the ultrasound of his heart

watching the screen 

  a special heart for his mommy and daddy  

God Bless

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

growing and learning

My life has been changed by the presence of one tiny little boy! He amazes me a little more everyday! He has already grown soo much, i cant even believe it. He isnt even three months yet and he is already holding and shaking his rattle, he is able to lay on his tummy and hold his head up and turn it from one side to the other, and he is rolling over from his tummy to his back already, and at times he likes to be a biggy big boy and hold his own bottle! Seriously he needs to slow down he's already barely needing his momma, i cant imagine when hes able to walk and talk and only need me for bath time and to read him a book good night... i love that he needs me! He is such a ham, he smiles and flirts - he definitely knows he's a cutie, everyone just loves him. He hates when his daddy hands him over to me when hes fighting sleep because he knows thats one battle that he never wins when mommy has him. He's a sucker for his mommy thats for sure! He loves bath time with his daddy! He has a friend who is just nine days older than him, it is soo cute to watch them two together as they look at each other and talk and smile, god knows what their saying but its just too funny the way they go back and forth with each other!! At the end of the month we are hopefully going back home for a visit where he will meet soo many people he is going to end up being spoiled from all of the holding that i am sure is going to happen, but its okay!

Well its time to feed my little bear!
more to come!

God Bless!

Friday, October 5, 2012


Im sure you are wondering what N.B.P.M stands for...well let me tell you- National Bullying Prevention Month. Yup welcome to October, bullying prevention awareness month!

Bullying is something that 99% of us have all endured at some point in our lives, whether we like to admit it or not. I will be the first to say that i have been on both ends of bullying...not so much that i did the bullying myself but i sat there and watched people get bullied in fear that if i spoke up it would turn around and be directed towards me.  Needless to say i have been bullied quite a bit in my life, about things like my big eyes, or my clothing choice when i was younger, to my size - height and weight and so much more.

Well here is what i say to that...We all have our own story, and i am not about to let somebody write mine for me!

When i was in 4th grade people would make fun of me for two was the size of my eyes people would walk around saying "shut your eyes" the reason being that they said my eyes were creepy because they were so big. Honestly if you would ask me whats one thing i like about myself i would say my eyes, i like that they are big, i always have!  Another thing i would get made fun of for was my clothing choice..not that i really had a choice i was small i was wearing a 6x in 4th grade, and when your wearing clothes that small your options are limited to little mermaid (that was one of the outfits i would get picked on for wearing) and things like that.

Then middle school came around, and i got picked on for my size. People would pick on me for my height whcih didnt really bug me because there is nothing i could have possibly done to change my height. People would pick on me for my weight they would call me anorexic, even my close friends would. Some had even called my mom and told her that they thought i was anorexic and that she should do something about it. I was a cheerleader in middle school and playing basketball and softball i was active, i didnt do anything unhealthy in order to be small. I have always been a small girl, i cant help it no matter how hard i try.

Then came high school, nothing more than the usual things..but i was mainly picked on for one thing and that would be my we go again with the anorexic comments. But by this time i had heard it all through middle school and now high school too..Well at this point i had heard it enough and i had really started letting it get to me. I started to think that maybe all these anorexic comments were people slick way of telling me i was fat, although i really knew i mind had a sick way of tricking myself..i stopped eating breakfast and skipping lunch then eating just a little for dinner if i ate at all. Or i would skip breakfast and eat lunch so my friends wouldnt say anything about me not eating then skip dinner. Then it got to where i was getting bad headaches everyday so then my mom had me log what i was eating so i started eating more again thinking that was the reason for my headaches well it didnt cure them so i quickly went back to my old habbits..then i even started thinking what if i just ate then later made my self purge maybe then i would feel a little better because id be eating and not having a hedache at school. Well that thought quickly passed for i knew i didnt have it in me to make myself get sick plus i dont enjoy throwing up so there was no way i was about to do that to myself.  then i met rob he knew what i was doing as far as not eating goes we started dating and he started talking to me about being good to yourself no matter what others say and doesnt matter as long as i am happy with me. He would ask me when the last time i ate was and i would be honest he wouldnt hold back, he would tell me i was stupid and i needed to treat myself better than i was. Then he soon started to call me or text me after every meal to make sure i ate he would ask when i ate what i ate and how much. Most would think that was annoying but i didnt it was nice to me, he was showing me that he cared and wasnt just going to turn his back on what i was doing. He was determined to help me, and to make me want to help myself!

Looking back now i realize that was dumb of me to let people get to me on that level. I wasnt helping myself i was only hurting myself. But im glad i have had such strong people to help pick me back up when i fall!

I have recently heard a few similar stories to these from a few other whom i am close to, it really hits ya hard when it happens to others so close! When i heard what was going on it broke my heart, and i instantly wanted to help! Right now i am working on making some hoodies (since it is hoody weather now) to help spread awareness to bullying! If you are interested in one they are $36 plus shipping, (since i am designing them online.) just message me on here or facebook and ill let you know how you too can help spread awareness! They are simple and to the point!

You hear of cases like demi lovatos- a famous disney star/singer, you look at her and what she has gone through and you look at what she turned to as a quick release and your shocked and wonder what this world has come could such a young girl feel like that was the only way to turn. - So many others have turned to that same thing and them some for that same reason- BULLYING! So lets help put a stop to it! Like i said before We all have our own story, please dont let somebody write yours for you!

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself." - Harvey S. Firestone

God Bless!

mending broken bridges

so recently i have decided to mend a few broken bridges from my from back home and one from here in Kentucky.  I'm just over all the things that have gone on and been said. So i have come clean to them about what went on and why. I just felt like it was something i needed to do. There comes a time in your life when you wake up and realize that life is too short to be holding grudges and causing drama and whatever other negative things that may be going on in your life. I just wanted to be-able to write the past as the past and move on with my life. I was done wondering and worrying. I felt like i owed and deserved an explanation for what had gone on between me and those two people. Its not always easy being the bigger person and admitting your wrong but sometimes that's just what needs to be done in order to feel better about things. Sometimes it may just all be a big misunderstanding. I'm the type of person that tends to care tooo much about things i don't like when people are sad or mad at me or about anything else for that matter. I just want to be everyone's friend and get along and be happy. i don't want to some day look back and wonder what if i had done things differently, so i did what i thought i had to do! And i feel better for doing so. im sure things were said on both ends but ya know what i don't care anymore its in the past and i am over it! I've got great friends and an awesome family, both here and back home so im happy. There is no need to dwell on the past when the future looks so great!

Not to long ago i mended a bridge that i had broken a while ago with another good friend from here. Her and i had a falling out, i honestly don't remember what it was over nor do i really care for i have put that all behind me...we started talking and all not long before she had her baby girl, and might i said i am so glad that we did. She was the first person i had met here, our husbands are good friends, and we have quite a bit in common. And i absolutely adore her sweet little girl, and so does baby Wesley!

God Bless!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

welcome to motherhood

Being a mother has completely changed my life, for the better. Ive never felt so much love! I truly believe this is what i was born to be a mother!

I know i know ive only been a mother for a couple days shy of 4 weeks now but so far its been ok. I can tell that being a mother has changed me and is making me grow up to be a bigger and better person. I no longer feel the need to be up to date on all the latest gossip (although i am a girl so of course i dont mind hearing a little here and there...but it no longer consumes my life). I don't feel the need to always be out doing something, im perfectly ok with just hanging out at home with my little family. I no longer get upset or grumpy if i am awaken through out the night..or made to wake up early, for i know my motherly duties and i am all for them. I am the one that brought this little man into the world and i know it is my responsibility to get up with him and feed him and change him and bathe him, and to love and take care of him. and i couldn't be happier in doing so! And i am glad i do not have it do it on my own, having my husband there to help me makes it that much better and easier, not to mention i just love seeing him with our little man! It melts my heart to watch him interact with Wesley!

Back to motherhood... you can definitely tell your a mother when you realize you forgot a burp rag and are okay with using one of your favorite or new tops to clean spit up off your little ones face. or when it doesnt completely gross you out when your changing your babies diaper and end up getting poop on your hand. Or like if you see they have a little booger in their nose and theres no tissue or nose sucker in reach and your okay with picking their nose. lol. Its kind of funny if you think about it .. if that would have happened anytime before with any other child it probably would have grossed me out- at least just a little, but its my child so im okay with it. I would and will do anything for this little guy so to me all of that is really no big deal.

if you have kids im sure you understand and if you dont im sure one day you will!

cuddle time, man i really dont want my little bear to grow up i just love these little moments soo much!

God bless!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

living life

My son is living a pretty full life already for only being 3 weeks and 3 days old! First of all WOW i cant believe my baby is almost 4 weeks old!! But...i also cannot believe He has been to three concerts already...
         1. Kip Moore
         2. Kelly Clarkson
         3. Uncle Kracker
What in the world, im 20 and my son has seen one less concert than i have..whats up with that?! Even though i know he wont remember them and he has no clue who they are im glad we are able to do things like that as a family - me his daddy and him. They were all free concerts so we figured why not go!? Although the kip moore concert was rather disappointing. The other two on the other hand, they were really pretty good!

Off topic a little bit but today marks 3 years of my husband being in the Army..3 down & 2 to go! So far it hasnt been bad, lets hope it stays that way.

Well its time to go feed my little bear!

sorry my blogs are sooo short these days, i just love spending time with my little family!

God Bless!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Welcome Baby Wesley

we would like to welcome our baby boy! 

7 lbs 4 oz, 20.5 inches long 

We went in for me to be induced on Wed August 22, at 9:30 am. And Wesley was born at 4:33 am Thursday morning - August 23, 2012. Everything went smoothly though it took its time, baby was healthy along with myself! I honestly could not have asked for a better pregnancy and delivery, everything just went soooo well!! I had my mom and of course my husband in the delivery room with me, they were such a good help i could not have done it without their amazing support! 

 Our lives have changed, only for the better. We couldnt be happier with life right now! I absolutely love my little family. 

Time to go cuddle with my hubby and baby boy!! 

God bless!! 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Good news

well today i had a stress test and a check up. The stress test went well, along with my check up. The checked to see if i was dilated at all and i was at a fingertip - so not much at all. So i figured great its going to be a while still til i have my sweet little baby boy in my arms. Not that my pregnancy was bad or anything im just getting anxious for our little bear to get here!!

Well at the end of the apt my ob said she thought she had some good news, rob asked what the news was and she said well we have an induction date for you.. robs eyes lite up as he heard that and we asked when it was for she said the 22! AHHH thats in two days!! I was happy, more anxious, and alot more nervous when she said that!

welp time to get all the sleep we can get while we can!! and i have to get my bags packed!!

if you dont hear from me in the next couple days expect to see a new blog posting not long after wesley is born!!

God Bless!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

stress test

Yesterday i went in for babies second stress test. At first they were concerned about my blood pressure, it was a little elevated which is uncommon for what it has been through out this pregnancy. So the set it up to check my blood pressure every five minutes. Then they noticed i was having slight contractions and during those contractions they said Baby Wesley's heart rate was slightly lowering so they wanted me to stay a little longer so that they could make sure all was well. By the time i left they said my blood pressure was lowering and that baby Wesley was okay. They also asked if i had my bags packed, i told them i had yet to do so they advised me that i should for they think Wesley may come early! So i guess that is something i better get done, although even if he comes without me having my bags packed (everything for him is ready!) we dont live far from the hospital on post so as soon as i am settled rob can always go get my things, or it could really even wait til after i have baby. Its not like im going to need anything before then! But im sure that i will make sure everything is ready so that rob doesnt have to worry about it. He has enough to worry about, like making sure family knows and being there for me and important things like that!!

My next apt is tomorrow, i believe at two twenty..i am hoping they will check to see if i am at all dilated, along with the norm- checking my blood pressure and looking over my sugars and listening to little bears heart and measuring my belly. And i would see how much longer they feel it will be til baby Wesley is here, not that they will know for sure or really be able to say. Im just anxious and want my baby boy!! lol.

Well, time to go get some stuff done. just thought id give a quick little thing about how my apt went yesterday!

God bless!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

anxiously awaiting

Well i am now almost 37 weeks pregnant, and time seems to be slowing down more and more as we get closer to Baby Wesley's due date - aug 28th! We know that we are now to the point where he could come any time. My dr has mentioned possibly wanting to induce me but then shot that down as soon as she said it. But it still seems to be up in the air. As of now i am going in twice a week for stress tests to be done (plus my reg apt days about once every other week to once every two weeks), so far i have only gone in once for the stress test but all seems to be well. So i guess we just wait and pray that all continues to go well. I have had a great pregnancy so far, i would hate for something to go wrong now!!

The husband and i (along with so many other people) are sooo excited and anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little bear! We cannot wait to hold him in our arms and to bring him home and show him his room and let him meet his his grand parents and aunts and uncles... but mainly so mommy and daddy and have their baby boy!!

People have been telling me that i have no idea what we are getting ourselves into, well no maybe not entirely but even when your "ready" are you ever really ready!? A baby is so hard to be ready for, you dont know their personality or their sleep schedule, or their feeding times, or if they like baths, or if they have any allergies before they are born...its all stuff that you learn. Yes im sure i will make mistakes just like any other parent has and or will, you live and you learn. Your not suppose to be perfect at stuff with out trying and failing a time or two..if you were life would just be boring!! Believe me, i am well aware that this is not going to be easy..but this is something we wanted and we are going to try to be the best parents we can be, im sure there will be some bumps and bruises along the way but lifes a learning game, you just have to get up, brush it off and try again! Needless to say be are both very excited to be parents and couldnt be happier. As the due date nears we realize that we are as ready as we will ever be and we just cannot wait for this little guy to get here!

God Bless!!

maternity pictures part 2

The other day we got some more maternity pictures done, since we are farther along and my belly is definitely bigger, they are a different style than than the ones my friend had done for us back in may. The are also amazingly done, i love them. I was really nervous before going and getting them done, because i did not know the lady doing them so i left like it was going to be really awkward and all, not to mention we were a half hour late because they didn't call me back to my ob apt at my scheduled time. But we got there and she was very nice and out going, she admitted that she too was to calm everyone's nerves she turned on some good o'l country music and we talked a little bit before we got started on the pictures. Well here is a few of the pictures that we had gotten done by Jillian Kaye Photography .

she truly did an amazing job! and i cant thank her enough, for helping us capture this beautiful moment in our lives!!! 

God bless! 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

baby baby baby

 Baby's room is all done, now we are just waiting for a baby to put in it. The Nursery is a Disney cars theme, so he has cars bedding and a cars chair and cars stickers on the wall! Everything is put together and ready to be used! And we are more than ready/ excited for him to be here!! I have had the best pregnancy i could have ever asked for, no morning sickness, no swelling, no pains, no complications...just gestation diabetes. Now i want my baby!! haha. Rob is so excited to become a daddy, he already got a tattoo for baby Wesley! 

Rob says hes not nervous but i think he is, at least a little! i know i am!! Im just nervous because i have always been around more baby girls than i have boys, and im a first time mother whose afraid to mess up! ...but then again who isnt!? We're just both so excited to welcome our little bundle of joy into this world and into our lives- more so than just in mommies belly!! (:

Not much longer, but everyday seems like it get slower and slower!!

Dear time, please speed up a little, your killing us here!!

God Bless!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

baby shower

Alexis, my good friend from work wanted to throw me a baby shower here in Tennessee, so that my friends and co-workers here could attend! Oh my gosh was it fun! She decorated it beautifully! Had some awesome games, and all my friends i have made down here were there. It was a blast!

The morning after i ended up going to labor and delivery because i was having contractions. I didnt want to go in because i had to work and i didnt want to leave my co workers short handed. But i talked to a friend who recently had a baby and she said it was better safe than sorry to just go in and get checked out. And rob was worried that i could go into labor early or that something could have been wrong. So my friend Melissa picked me up and took me to the hospital. When i told them why i was there they seemed as though they did not believe me, they hooked me up to a monitor to watch Wesley's heartbeat and my contractions. they said without saying that i was having braxton hicks contractions and that i should make sure i am drinking plenty of fluids. They also gave me the lovely news that i have gestational diabetes, great!! So i have to go to a nutrition class for that.


p.s. baby love dont tease me like that!!

god bless!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

home again

Our ohio trip went well, we surprised my mom at work, she almost cried, it was great seeing her reaction after we walked in the door! After surprising my mom we went and did the same for his parents who were waiting for his sister to get home from her visit with us in Tennessee, little did they know that all four of us would be walking in the door together! Surprise!!! It was awesome seeing everyone's facial expressions to us being in ohio!!

We had a great time, we went swimming almost everyday at my uncles house. We traded in our new car (2012 sonic) for a suv (2008 escape). After driving the car to ohio we realized we didnt like it and we wanted something a little bigger and more family like. Then my sister desided she too wanted a new car so we went with her to look at new cars, she liked what i got so she too got an Escape although hers is a 2012..but its the same body style same color everything! (copy cat!!) My dad surprised us by also going to ohio, so we hung out with him a couple times. We got to watch sierra play softball. We switched off and on for dinner with his parents and dinners with my sisters and my mom. We got to see some friends.

On the way home we stopped at this sisters houses, said hi to his sister trisha - we couldnt stay long because on the way there was a crazy storm that we had to pull over for and it did a lot of damage to a lot of homes. We stayed at jamies house for a night and got to hang out with her and her husband and their two girls! There was no power but it was still fun. We left early the next morning, i believe at like 5 something...lets just say i wasnt awake much on the trip back!! I dont know how rob can drive like that, i hate driving!!

We were excited to get home to our bed and to get our puppy from my friend alexis's house, and just to get back into our old routine!

Home again!

God Bless!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

all's a go

Leave got approved! No one back home knows we are soon to be arriving for a surprise visit! My mom should be at work when we get there, along with my oldest sister, im not sure what sierra will be up to and david will probably be working as well! Robs mom will probably be working - depends on what time we get there, his dad will either be at home or at wilsons. And his sister will be following us! We will be making time to visit his other sisters as well who live else where. Im so stink'n excited. Rob has gotten to do surprise visits before, from korea and basic and all of that...but this is my first time! im Just hoping i can keep it a secret! We will be heading that way on the 19th and staying til the 30th so that should leave us plenty of time to see everyone! 

Sierra will have a few games so i will get to see her play at least once, ive been kind of bummed out that i havent been able to see her play! 

So needless to say we are excited and cant wait!!! 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

going home round two!?

The hubby and i are trying again to go home for leave to see family and friends, hoping all goes well with that and that he is able to this time. We have not told friends and family yet...we are hoping to surprise them! We will be going home util the end of june. - so pretty much i will have had alost this whole month off from work. im really hoping that we do get approved to go home. Because i know rob really misses his family and was bummed about not being able to go when i went for the baby shower, and i would like to see a little more of my family and friends so they get a chance to see me while i have my baby bump!! Not to mention with everything that has been going on i know rob needs/deserves a break from it all! im just hoping everything goes as planned!!

Robs sister and friend are coming down either today or tomorrow for a visit! We have some fun things planned, dave and busters, bowling, and who knows what else!! So i know hes excited about that!!

speaking of...i need to get to cleaning before they arrive!!

God Bless!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Home sweet home

its always nice to go home!! Esp when its for something like a baby shower and being able to celebrate with close friends and family!!

My mom and sister and my sisters friend did end up coming down to get me and my friend Alexis. It worked out though because they got to see Rob since he was unable to go home, AND my mom go to attend at least one of my ob she got to hear baby boys little heart beat! My mom definitely cried when she first seen me and my little bump! - which i was totally expecting anyway!!

ohio here we come! 

The drive home was sister and her friend drove..both almost killing us, but hey that just makes it more exciting right!? My sisters friend was busy making truck drivers honk their horns, it was quite amusing!!

Alexis got to meet a lot of my friends and family. Im sure she now understands why i am as crazy and messed up as i am! ( haha only kidding!)

The baby shower was a success and sooo much fun! And everyone had a blast, what more could you ask for!?  Baby Wesley got a ton of cute things, now just to get it all home and find out where everything is going to go!! If im luck the hubby will have put everything together - crib, changing table, and dresser!! - i guess only time can tell!!

all done up for the baby shower


God bless!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

going home

Welp the hubby is unable to go back home after all. Looks like i will be traveling solo unless i can find someone to go with me!? I think i will ask my friend from work, she is always there for me and has yet to meet my family and it would be nice to have her attending my baby shower! If not then i shall be seeing if my mom or sister would like to drive here to get me, i dont really feel comfortable making the drive not only because i am pregnant but because i am not very confident on the highway, semi trucks scare me!! Or maybe ill do both, have my friend come with annnnnd see if one or both of them would like to come pick me up!

fingers crossed!

P.s. We have agree'd on a Walt Disney Cars theme for baby Welsey's Nursery!!

God Bless!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Maternity Pictures

Well i told you guys we got maternity pictures done so i figured i might as well show you a few of these amazing photos that a friend of ours did for us! She did such a great job, i absolutely love them!!

these are just a few, but you get the gist! 

i cannot thank this photographer enough for being there for me when needed and for always taking such amazing photos of the hubby and i!! 

God bless!! 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

getting older

Happy 20th birthday to me!

today is my 20th birthday, its rather crazy..yet a relief..but also kind of scary to think that i am no longer a teen! Hopefully now people will stop thinking of me as a child. Im no longer going to hear...
Your just a child.
You have a lot of living to do.
Your only a teen.
and such.. believe me i know im young and i know im not as experienced as others..but i am not a child, yes i make mistakes..ill be the first to admit that!

i say its scary because im no longer a teen, there are no longer any excuses for my actions and i feel like with no longer being a teen i am leaving a huge chunk of my life behind, but whats better than letting go of the past and moving forward!?

anyway, my hubby made me one of his special birthday cakes, omg was it delish!! We had some friends over for dinner and cake while watching "The Vow" - such a good movie!! My bday gift is a new phone, i just have to order it closer to the time of my upgrade- the end of may. I think im going to get the htc rhyme!

We also got some maternity pictures done from a friend of ours, It was so much fun!! and im sure she did an amazing job on them!!

all in all it was a good birthday!

Next month i will be going home, hopefully with my hubby (army permitted) for a baby shower, im so excited to see all the cute things my friends and family get baby wesley!

well thats it for now!!
God bless!!

Monday, April 30, 2012


well i told the hubby that if we were to have a boy then he could pick out the bedding and such for the nursery...with my approval of course!. and that if it was a girl i would be the one picking out all of that stuff...with some help from him of course! ;)  haha

well we're having a boy as you all know, so it is time to start looking and getting ideas. Rob has said he would like Wesley's room to be some type of car theme. (great as if the normal boy nursery decor selection wasnt small enough). So i shall soon be on the look out for a car themed bed set to base the nursery off of, wish me luck!!

God bless!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Baby love is a....

Yesterday we had our apt to find out is baby love is a BOY or a GIRL!  After the ultrasound tech. checked all of babies organs and important parts and after a few times of emptying half my bladder (which i dont think they realize is easier said than done!) We got to find out what we are having! And to my surprise we are having a BOY!! - i say to my surprise because Rob is the only boy among his sisters! But i guess my dream was right that i had a little while back!! Also recently Rob has been able to feel our little man kick and move! It truely is an amazing feeling! It just makes it that much real to me!

So im sure since i have said what we are having that you all are wondering what we are going to name him. Well to answer that question we have agreed on the name Wesley Joseph! Now to do/finish registries!!

I can already tell he is going to be spoiled, just like his daddy!!

Well thats all i have for now stay tuned for more info! Our next apt is may 8!

God bless!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

New puppy

So we decided not long after my sisters left from their visit that our home is a little lonely esp while the other is at work. So we went on the search for a new member to add to our little (growing as we speak) family! We found a puppy, Rob picked his name...Rosco. He was 4 weeks old when we got him, still young to be taken away from mom but they had already weened him (or so they said!) We are happy to have a puppy to keep us up and going - and might i add on our toes at all times, you never know what this little guy is getting into! 

Dont go anywhere, soon we will find out if baby love is a boy or a girl!!

God Bless!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

little flutters

Theres nothing i love more then these little fluttering feelings i am feeling in my lower stomach. It makes it that much more real to me, well that and this little belly im getting! But the little flutters are what ive been waiting to feel. Its like little butterflies in my tummy. I cant wait til baby is bigger so the hubby can feel it also, so im not the only one feeling our little teddy bear moving around.

bahh i just cant wait to know what we are having!!

Speaking of the husband, Rob has been so amazing with this pregnancy. Not that its really been hard or anything because i havent had any morning sickness or nausea at all. But every night he rubs lotion on my belly and my back. He also talks to baby love every night! Its seriously the cutest thing ever, melts my heart!! I love seeing how excited he is to become a dad, its soo sweet! Hes the best!!

well time to start getting ready for work!!

God Bless!

Monday, March 12, 2012

One Year

Today marks the day of the hubby and i's one year of marriage! Its hard to believe that it has already been a year! And i honestly couldn't be happier!  A lot has happened this past year, but the only thing that matters to me is that we have stuck together through it all!
Such a Beautiful day! 

 I don't know what i'd do or where i would be without my husband! He is my everything!! Of course just like everyone else we have had our ups and downs, our bad days and our good, but at the end of the day we know we love each other and that's all that matters!

As a couple things seem to be looking up... We are moving on post sometime by the end of the month! Our baby is due August 28th. We have had family from both sides visit, some again at the end of the month! And we are planning to go home hopefully soon- in june. We got a new car. And probably much more that i cant seem to think of right now..

The beginning of the rest of our lives! 

Anyways, I know Rob isn't very excited about eating this one year old cake but i kind of am, just to see if it tastes the same or not! I fail to believe that it will but if it does cool! 

It was neat unwrapping all of the foil and everything else that the cake was packaged in because I kind of forgot for a minute what our cake looked like. But it is just as beautiful as it was a year ago! We'll know by tonight if it tastes as good or not! HAHA! 


My life with him has been nothing short of amazing and i know it can only get better from here, I just cant wait to see how! 

Year one down, many more to come! 

God Bless! 

Friday, March 9, 2012

just be happy

So there comes a time in life when you must sit back and look at your life and realize what really matters and what never really did. I have done this recently. And honestly my view has changed a lot this past year. Life is no longer all about me (not that it ever really was but we all have our moments!)

There are things that happened that one cannot change, but one can try to make it better. There are people that one lets into their lives for a reason, some good some bad.. but its up to you to do something about it! There are better things to worry about rather than, who wore what, who said what, and whose talking to who, who posted what on facebook, and who did what, and who they did what with. Life is way to short to worry about nonsense like that!  Sometimes its just better to let go, but still to keep a memory of the good times.

Worrying about little things like what i put up above and other drama and silly stuff just really isn't worth your time. Instead read a book, call a loved one, hang out with a friend, go for a walk, find a job, watch a movie with your spouse, cook dinner for your kids...anything really just don't sweat the small stuff!

Spend your time with people who are happy and have common thoughts, and you'll be happy! Its as easy as that! You will never be happy unless you try to be.. So lets all just BE HAPPY! (:

I mean honestly i graduated in 2010 and my plan was when doing so to leave all the drama behind me..although i know it didn't work out that way.. but for now on it will, just like it should have from the beginning!

Truth is ive never really been the kind of person that wants all the attention, in fact i hate being the center of attention because i hate being put on the spot, it makes me nervous and i get embarrassed easy. Thats just not who i am.  So i deffinitly dont like having drama and being in the middle of it. I mean ill help out a friend or family member or stick up for myself but other than that no thanks, dont bring it to me!

"you just have to live your life not caring what they think, and shake off the drama and prove to them that you're better than they think you are"

"let go of the drama, let go of the lies. let go of the ones who've made you cry. let go of the past, let go of the pain. let go of the people who live in vain. let go if it all the good and the bad. but dont ever let go of the good times you've had." 

After all what doesnt kill you makes you stronger!

So needless to say my outlook and priorities have changed...i no longer feel the need to be updated on the latest drama..but to be updated on the new things my baby is going through each week as he or she is growing inside of me. I no longer feel the need to always be with friends, for once baby love come's i know all that will change anyways. I no longer feel the need to go by new clothes even though i have plenty, unless of course its for pants that fit and shirts that cover my belly. I no longer feel the need to stay up late every night because going to bed early makes me feel old, now i must or i am cranky and or exhausted through out the day.

Now dont get me wrong im not saying i stay at home all day everyday and do nothing. i clean, and recently started packing for our move on post, and i work, sometimes ill go to the gym with my friend, then occasionally out to lunch. And every now and then ill buy a new top - but a size bigger so i can wear it longer.

My priorities are staying strong and healthy for my baby. And being there for my husband when he gets home after a long day at work. And also working and picking up extra shifts to help provide for my family. And getting things ready for the move. And keeping updated with my family back home. And getting ready for when baby love comes, and finding out as much as i can so i know what to expect so that i don't get stressed out!

I am going to do nothing but surround myself and my family with good people! I want nothing but the best for my family because that is what they deserve!

well enough ranting about this stuff, i have other things to do!

God Bless!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Feb 6th

i have recently realized that i did not post pictures from my ultrasound on Feb 6th.

                        3 days before we got to see our baby we got to hear our babies heart beat it was the most amazing thing i have ever heard! And i was sooo glad that i got to record it on my phone! but sadly i cannot get it to post on here for you all to hear!

                    Feb 6th, it was so incredible to be able to see little baby love in there bouncing around!

Our little teddy bear! 
We are soooo excited and cannot wait to find out what we are having! But no worries, ill keep you updated! 

God Bless! 

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Ok so this goes with the blog i wrote the other day i believe it was called... "take a hint"...

You messaged me about my pregnancy and asking how far along i was. I feel that is non of your business, so i replied by telling you to let it go and leave me and my family alone. You replied with "like it or not you are my family to". I told you that we are not and will never be family because i have my family, and that i dont think the bloodline matters when it comes to family because it all comes down to who is there for you when you need them. You gave me this big speech about how you even found out about me and my siblings and about how i was wrong for stating my own opinion on what family is to me!

Do not question my opinion on family, i am very family oriented and family means the world to me and i would do anything for my family!

My opinion on family may be different than others because i am adopted so i feel i have a different view on family.

To me family isnt about the blood that is running through my veins, but the people who are there for me. The people who gave me a home. The people who made sure me and my siblings were safe. The people who made sure we had food and clothing and plenty of love. The people who made sure we knew what a family was. The people who gave us a mom and dad, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, pets, and friends! The ones who went to every sporting event. And was there to comfort us through hard times. And praise us for the good. To me family is much more than a bloodline! Its about the people who care!

Say what you will, call me stupid or whatever you please... but do not tell me i am wrong for feeling the way i do about my family.

You said i should give you a second chance, but the two times i have talked to you, you have done nothing but tell me im wrong for feeling a certain way, while you continue push push and push! You also told me i was very mean to you. Well you cannot push your way into someones life esp if they do not want you there. And honestly i feel i have made it rather clear that i dont! Harsh? maybe but its the truth. And if Im so mean, then just do what i said and drop it, let it go, leave me and my family alone! K, thanks. Bye!

P.s. after posting this blog you will probably be blocked due to the fact that i am not going to allow you to sit there and tell me i am wrong about my family! And im just simply tired of hearing from you!

God Bless!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

take a hint

Soooo.. here it is. 

You have messaged me for years claiming to be my half sister and i have ignored you for most of them, til finally you messaged me saying i hurt your feelings by not replying. I said something like well youd think one would get a hint that one doesnt want to talk to you after messaging and messaging and never getting a reply. Well CLEARLY you didnt!

It started on myspace you would comment on just about every single picture of mine, every bulletin and status, along with your other daily messages. You got upset because i called you creepy, Because clearly you are! I mean come on you even messaged me on every month and year anniversary that me and my husband (boyfriend at the time) had, and saying that you and your boyfriend had the same anniversary. I NEVER REPLIED, never even gave you the time of day until September 7th 2010 on facebook when you messaged me saying i was leading you on. Explain to me how someone not replying for years is leading you on!?

We got into it you called me a know it all teenage bitch, and i said you were just a bitch! I constantly told you to leave my family alone and to stop messaging me. But the messages kept coming then finally i had made you mad enough that you asked me if i had some stupid teeny bopper concert to go to and told me to leave you alone or youd get me for harassment! which wouldnt have gotten you anywhere seeing how i had gotten daily messages from you for years and never replied and i had told you multiple times to leave my family alone...  and it resulted in you blocking me on facebook. i could not have been more relieved! 

Now in 2012 you unblock me and try to send me a friend request and you message me saying you heard i was living in tn now and that im pregnant. Then you ask if i would like to go to lunch with you sometime when you move here. i replied with "honestly i am not going to "lead you on" like you claim i did last just saying that most likely will never happen!". I told you i did not want the added drama that i knew you would bring and that i had my baby and husband and job and family and friends to worry about! and you just kept saying i was so mean to you and you thought we should give it second chance because it could be fun. HA! Uhm what are you some kind of stupid or something!? Like for real, seriously right now you have got to be kidding me! Your making yourself look crazy! 

Yea you are not the only one who had messaged me for years from the biological "family". My biological "mother" has also...and to make that stop just like i had with you i finally replied i told her though it would never change anything she could give me her story she has been wanting to give. She ended up going back to jail mid way through so she has recently started to finish telling me. Now so my other siblings knew i sent it (her story) to them as well. And i had told my mom and dad this also so it wasnt like i was going behind their back! My biological "father" had tried a time or two but since i never replied he gave up.  

but wow really!? 

anyyyyyyways!! glad thats off my chest! 

God Bless!! 

Growing up

Honestly...Its hard being grown ups, but lately things have been great! Robs parents came down for the weekend, we all had a great time! I was so glad they had been able to make it down, for i know how much rob was missing them!! He got guy time with his dad while i hung out with his mom. and he got time with the both of them while i was at work. It kind of sucked, me having work while they were here but it gave him time to spend with just his parents! Hes needed and deserved that for a while now!

Things with the hubby and i have been great, we have not been fighting, we're not letting little things get to us as much anymore. We seem to be on the same page a lot more now! i love going with him to the store and hearing him say lets look at baby stuff and him pointing out all of the things he likes, most for a boy of course while im looking at all the girly things! i cant wait to find out what we are having, as im 13 weeks at the moment!

The only thing thats been a pain in our sides lately has been the fact that our lease is up and everywhere with in our budget is full! We spent all day Monday driving around checking out apartments close to post and within our budget. With a baby on the way we def have no room for spending over our budget! So while in a panic as to what to do, Rob calls housing on post to see what number we are and how fast we could be moved in to on post housing. They said we are number 111 and he asked how long would that be til we would be able to move in? She said end of April i think. He told her that we have searched just about everywhere and cannot find a place to live for when our lease is up in march and that i am pregnant. She told him she would see what she could do and she said there was one opening as of today and he asked how soon we could move in and i believe she had said end of  march which works out great since thats around when our lease is up! So i believe rob goes in today to sign some papers. Hopefully all goes well and nothing else comes up!

Fingers Crossed!!

God Bless!

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Vow

The other night my husband took me to see the movie "The Vow" such a strong and powerful Movie. Although it had a different ending than i was expecting, it was still a great well put together movie with a lot of meaning! I continued to think about the characters and what they had gone through together, for the rest of that night and most of the next day. Wow, i never though a movie could have had that much of an impact on me. But this one did. 

That couple had their world flipped upside down, and though it took a while they still made it through. It proves that if you truly love someone you can make it through anything no matter how difficult it may be. It shows that their is hope for love. 

Honestly it made me think about all the little things in life that i have worried about over looking a the big picture and the positive side of things! 

This is a quote in the movie that proves in a different way that love can last. - "I chose to stay with him for all the things he's done right; not the one thing he's done wrong. I chose to forgive him."  -Rita Thornton.

And here is one from when Leo had to walk away from Paige the love of his life, trusting and hopng that she will remember or at least try to remember and come back to him. - “How do you look at the girl you love and tell yourself it’s time to walk away?” – Leo

What I'm trying to get at is that true love can over come anything, and don't sweat the small stuff because your wasting to much of your time being unhappy when you could very easily,  just be happy! I don't know there's just so much to take in from this movie! Its very eye opening. 

Their were parts in the movie when I got teary eyes and i told the hubby of this after the movie and he said a couple parts of it had got to him too! So i know it was a good movie for the two of us to see together! 

If you haven't seen this movie then you must! 

God Bless! 

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Well last night my puppy got a knew home. Rob and i sat down and talked about it and realized that we could not afford our little pup while trying to save for baby love. Not only that but with having a pup it was limiting where we can live, and with a pet making our rent even more. We are just unable to give him the time an attention he needs since we both have jobs! Hes to hyper to be kept in a little apt he needs a yard and a family that is home more than we are! So that is exactly what we gave him. A lady had contacted me about the add i put up about Moe on campbellyardsales, she said hes sons birthday was this saturday and that he would love to get a puppy for his birthday! Not only that but she said she had a huge yard and other dogs for him to play with and that she was a k9 handler with the state and FEMA. She assured us not to worry because he would be very well taken care of! Moe got to take all of his stuff with him, toys, food, food dish, collar, leash, bath supplies, flea meds. They did forget to take his pillow and blanket so she is stopping by sometime today to get them. That is the one thing i wanted to make sure he went with, he sleeps with them every night so i didnt want him to leave with out them! She texted me last night and said her son was soooo happy when he saw Moe and that Moe was loving all of the new attention he was getting. She said the two had not stopped playing since he got there, which made me happy to hear. but sad at the same time, i was quite upset when i got home and didnt see moe waiting at the window and i wasnt greeted by him at the door. I appreciate that she later texted me letting me know how he was doing and saying that we did a great job with him and how much she appreciated us for giving her an awesome gift to give her son on his birthday! I hope they take good care of him, and i hope he adapts to the new home and people and animals! <3

We love and miss you Moe! 
be good!! 

God Bless! 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

my sister

Tomorrow my sister will be here, and i am so glad! i feel like the reason ive been so blah may be because i was missing home or it just may have been the gloomy whether. but lately its been rather nice, sunny and semi warm. lol. at least warmer than it was before! im not sure what all we will do while tabby is here, but no matter what it is i know we will have fun!! of course i wish my mom and sierra and david were going to be here as well, but hey ill take what i can get!! Since tabby will be here from the second to the 7th i believe, that means she gets to go my second ob apt with us! I get a physical and we get to hear the babies heart beat! i am so crazy excited and i know that is something that both rob and tab will enjoy being able to hear as well!!! I am hoping we can get a good recording of it!! So pretty much this next week should be a pretty good time!!

God Bless!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

id rather be

Today, NO this week has been dragging on! Well not only that, but its also been a rather gloomy, rainy week and its put me in a funk! And ill be the first one to tell you no one likes being in a funk! Its rather depressing like outside! And i would much rather be outside in the sun FISHING, yep i said it, id rather be fishing! Which honestly before coming here if someone would have handed me a fishing pole i never would have known what to do with it, if it weren't for a couple we use to hang out with getting us to go fish with them. Our husbands went off and fished in there own little area and Melissa taught me how to fish, she even gave me her red fishing pole when she bought a pink one! I mean im sure rob would have taught me eventually, but he didnt expect me to enjoy it so much! But i did, i think its relaxing and a way to get away from the world for a little while, its kinda like cleaning when your mad- its your get away from the situation and by the time your finished your no longer mad! I like to do outdoor activities, not only sports (softball) but other things too, a few things i got do experience last year were, riding a horse i enjoyed that even though the thought of being on that big horse and it just throwing me off was quite scary, i still did it! And fishing, i was nervous because i didnt want to do it wrong or look stupid while doing it. And walking all throughout a pasture looking for the horse and when we finally caught it i no longer had the energy to do much else. And playing on a military wives softball team (more drama than i could take!).  We walked through Dunbar Cave many many times! Being outside and enjoying nature is just so relaxing, i love it! I just really wish the gloomy rainy weather would go away so i could enjoy some of those things again!

Well its about time i get off here and finish getting around for work!

God bless!! 

Friday, January 20, 2012

somebody's hero

The other night my husband told me something that just completely melted my heart! We were laying on the couch and he looked at me and told me something i was not expecting at all, he said i was his hero. No one has ever told me that before. And I was honestly shocked to hear him say it, i figured he thought i was always nagging him and such. But to hear him tell me that i am his hero, it just meant the absolute world to me! I feel like that's exactly what i needed to hear! He gave me a few reasons for why he thought i was his hero, some of them being, that i am able to put up with him, that im strong, and that i can handle and put up with the army life, and that i am doing great and doing everything needed during the pregnancy. He told me i will be a great mom, which honestly i always thought i would be too....but now that i know its coming im like ahhh what if i mess up, what if i do something wrong!? So it felt really good to hear my husband say such things! And I know that rob will be the best dad hes so awesome with kids and i cant wait to see him with our own child! To see him interact and play and bond, its truly going to be a beautiful sight! It just felt so great to hear my best friend, my rock, my husband and my strength tell me that i am his hero, right now..there's no better feeling than that!

She's somebody's HERO <3

God Bless!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

the haunted part2

I blogged back in November i believe about our creepy haunted apartment that we just cant wait to get out of! Well if that blog didnt convince you that this place is haunted then hopefully this does!

So the other night my husband was in the bedroom making the bed and watching his show. I was in the living room just finished watching mine, i turned off the tv along with the light beside the couch and was getting ready to head to bed.. when i noticed my non aggressive fish going after one another. So i was sitting on the couch watching the fish fight or play or whatever they may have been doing when all of a sudden it felt like something had placed like two fingers on my belly and whispered "Child" in my ear. All i could think of was "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" I was not in the room alone, moe my dog was in there with me, he was curled up by my feet so i know it was not him that touched my stomach and i for sure know it wasnt him that whispered the word "Child" in my ear!

So i went to bed not saying anything about it to my husband because i did not want to freak him out, i knew he needed some sleep for he had to get up early the next morning. I told him the next evening while we were sitting on the couch. He said that was very freaky and asked why i didnt tell him that night! Well duhhh i was freaking out, i didnt need him freaking out as well!

So needless to say We are ready to get out of this place!

Well ive got to go now!

God Bless!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

baby love

Some times it is still hard for me to believe that there is a small little being growing inside of me! It amazes me! This is something i have always wanted, and that's to be a mother! People have asked me if i am excited, words can not describe how excited i am! I feel to be a mother that is the greatest gift of all. And I hope to be half the mother my mom is! She's great! My family and friends have all been amazingly supportive since i found out i was pregnant which makes it all better! Many have asked what i wish to have, i would like a girl and the hubby would like a boy (of course), but honestly it doesn't matter as long as the baby is healthy and matter if baby love is a boy or a girl, we will love him or her just the same! We are very excited for our next apt we get to hear the heart beat for the very first time! Our next apt is Feb 2nd at 10:30...well thats what it is as of now, we are working to change that due to the hubby not being able to get off work, and he most definitely wants to be there to hear the heart beat and of course i want him there! So hopefully it can be moved to a different time or day!

A quote i found!
- For the mother to be

i always knew that one day i would be a mother 
i always knew that in me love would surely grow 
and here you are, warm inside, growing and alive!  

baby baby your the one i dreamed about 
baby baby on your way to live a life of love! 

i dont know what to call you 
maybe...sarah, maybe....jack 
your a mystery in the making 
and i can hardly wait to meet you!

baby baby your the one i dreamed about 
baby baby on your way to live a life of love! 

Well just thought id share that for all you mother to be's out there, i know a few who are that read my blog! So congrats to you! 

Well its time to get ready for work!! 

God Bless! 

Friday, January 6, 2012

First apt.

Today Jan 6 2011 at 12:30 i had my first ob apt. They had me fill out papers and they went over all kinds of things with me. It was Very informational! My hubby couldn't go with me because he couldn't get out of work since they had an awards thing going on! So i had my good friend Alexis go with me, she definitely helped calm me down! I was a bit nervous, i wasn't sure what to expect! She and i walked around hoping to end up in the right place, we had no idea where we were going! We went to the waiting room where i filled out like 5 pages of questions. Then they took us in one room where then went over the papers i had filled out. They gave me a bag full of informational things, like a book talking about every week of pregnancy and what to expect during that week! They told me i was 6weeks and 3days pregnant! Then we went and waited in this waiting room type area, Where my husband showed up! I was happy to see that he was able to make it to part of my apt. After that we went into this small room to make an apt. They gave me Feb 2nd at 10:30 in the morning for my next visit! After that i had to go down to the lab and get some blood drawn! They took 7 tubes of blood! After Alexis and i went to see Alysa at work, we stood there and talked with her for a little while! All in all it was a good day!! I couldn't ask for better friends and family who have all been so very supportive through everything!


God Bless!