Yesterday i went in for babies second stress test. At first they were concerned about my blood pressure, it was a little elevated which is uncommon for what it has been through out this pregnancy. So the set it up to check my blood pressure every five minutes. Then they noticed i was having slight contractions and during those contractions they said Baby Wesley's heart rate was slightly lowering so they wanted me to stay a little longer so that they could make sure all was well. By the time i left they said my blood pressure was lowering and that baby Wesley was okay. They also asked if i had my bags packed, i told them i had yet to do so they advised me that i should for they think Wesley may come early! So i guess that is something i better get done, although even if he comes without me having my bags packed (everything for him is ready!) we dont live far from the hospital on post so as soon as i am settled rob can always go get my things, or it could really even wait til after i have baby. Its not like im going to need anything before then! But im sure that i will make sure everything is ready so that rob doesnt have to worry about it. He has enough to worry about, like making sure family knows and being there for me and important things like that!!
My next apt is tomorrow, i believe at two twenty..i am hoping they will check to see if i am at all dilated, along with the norm- checking my blood pressure and looking over my sugars and listening to little bears heart and measuring my belly. And i would see how much longer they feel it will be til baby Wesley is here, not that they will know for sure or really be able to say. Im just anxious and want my baby boy!! lol.
Well, time to go get some stuff done. just thought id give a quick little thing about how my apt went yesterday!
God bless!!
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