Monday, August 20, 2012

Good news

well today i had a stress test and a check up. The stress test went well, along with my check up. The checked to see if i was dilated at all and i was at a fingertip - so not much at all. So i figured great its going to be a while still til i have my sweet little baby boy in my arms. Not that my pregnancy was bad or anything im just getting anxious for our little bear to get here!!

Well at the end of the apt my ob said she thought she had some good news, rob asked what the news was and she said well we have an induction date for you.. robs eyes lite up as he heard that and we asked when it was for she said the 22! AHHH thats in two days!! I was happy, more anxious, and alot more nervous when she said that!

welp time to get all the sleep we can get while we can!! and i have to get my bags packed!!

if you dont hear from me in the next couple days expect to see a new blog posting not long after wesley is born!!

God Bless!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

stress test

Yesterday i went in for babies second stress test. At first they were concerned about my blood pressure, it was a little elevated which is uncommon for what it has been through out this pregnancy. So the set it up to check my blood pressure every five minutes. Then they noticed i was having slight contractions and during those contractions they said Baby Wesley's heart rate was slightly lowering so they wanted me to stay a little longer so that they could make sure all was well. By the time i left they said my blood pressure was lowering and that baby Wesley was okay. They also asked if i had my bags packed, i told them i had yet to do so they advised me that i should for they think Wesley may come early! So i guess that is something i better get done, although even if he comes without me having my bags packed (everything for him is ready!) we dont live far from the hospital on post so as soon as i am settled rob can always go get my things, or it could really even wait til after i have baby. Its not like im going to need anything before then! But im sure that i will make sure everything is ready so that rob doesnt have to worry about it. He has enough to worry about, like making sure family knows and being there for me and important things like that!!

My next apt is tomorrow, i believe at two twenty..i am hoping they will check to see if i am at all dilated, along with the norm- checking my blood pressure and looking over my sugars and listening to little bears heart and measuring my belly. And i would see how much longer they feel it will be til baby Wesley is here, not that they will know for sure or really be able to say. Im just anxious and want my baby boy!! lol.

Well, time to go get some stuff done. just thought id give a quick little thing about how my apt went yesterday!

God bless!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

anxiously awaiting

Well i am now almost 37 weeks pregnant, and time seems to be slowing down more and more as we get closer to Baby Wesley's due date - aug 28th! We know that we are now to the point where he could come any time. My dr has mentioned possibly wanting to induce me but then shot that down as soon as she said it. But it still seems to be up in the air. As of now i am going in twice a week for stress tests to be done (plus my reg apt days about once every other week to once every two weeks), so far i have only gone in once for the stress test but all seems to be well. So i guess we just wait and pray that all continues to go well. I have had a great pregnancy so far, i would hate for something to go wrong now!!

The husband and i (along with so many other people) are sooo excited and anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little bear! We cannot wait to hold him in our arms and to bring him home and show him his room and let him meet his his grand parents and aunts and uncles... but mainly so mommy and daddy and have their baby boy!!

People have been telling me that i have no idea what we are getting ourselves into, well no maybe not entirely but even when your "ready" are you ever really ready!? A baby is so hard to be ready for, you dont know their personality or their sleep schedule, or their feeding times, or if they like baths, or if they have any allergies before they are born...its all stuff that you learn. Yes im sure i will make mistakes just like any other parent has and or will, you live and you learn. Your not suppose to be perfect at stuff with out trying and failing a time or two..if you were life would just be boring!! Believe me, i am well aware that this is not going to be easy..but this is something we wanted and we are going to try to be the best parents we can be, im sure there will be some bumps and bruises along the way but lifes a learning game, you just have to get up, brush it off and try again! Needless to say be are both very excited to be parents and couldnt be happier. As the due date nears we realize that we are as ready as we will ever be and we just cannot wait for this little guy to get here!

God Bless!!

maternity pictures part 2

The other day we got some more maternity pictures done, since we are farther along and my belly is definitely bigger, they are a different style than than the ones my friend had done for us back in may. The are also amazingly done, i love them. I was really nervous before going and getting them done, because i did not know the lady doing them so i left like it was going to be really awkward and all, not to mention we were a half hour late because they didn't call me back to my ob apt at my scheduled time. But we got there and she was very nice and out going, she admitted that she too was to calm everyone's nerves she turned on some good o'l country music and we talked a little bit before we got started on the pictures. Well here is a few of the pictures that we had gotten done by Jillian Kaye Photography .

she truly did an amazing job! and i cant thank her enough, for helping us capture this beautiful moment in our lives!!! 

God bless! 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

baby baby baby

 Baby's room is all done, now we are just waiting for a baby to put in it. The Nursery is a Disney cars theme, so he has cars bedding and a cars chair and cars stickers on the wall! Everything is put together and ready to be used! And we are more than ready/ excited for him to be here!! I have had the best pregnancy i could have ever asked for, no morning sickness, no swelling, no pains, no complications...just gestation diabetes. Now i want my baby!! haha. Rob is so excited to become a daddy, he already got a tattoo for baby Wesley! 

Rob says hes not nervous but i think he is, at least a little! i know i am!! Im just nervous because i have always been around more baby girls than i have boys, and im a first time mother whose afraid to mess up! ...but then again who isnt!? We're just both so excited to welcome our little bundle of joy into this world and into our lives- more so than just in mommies belly!! (:

Not much longer, but everyday seems like it get slower and slower!!

Dear time, please speed up a little, your killing us here!!

God Bless!!