Monday, October 3, 2011


last night the husband and i were talking about addictions and how we really dont understand them, and maybe its because we have none and so to us it is just a choice..but to those who do it could be more?! i dont know. 

first off i would like to start out by saying sorry if this offends anyone.
and i would also like to say that these are just my personal thoughts and feelings.

i just dont understand addictions.. people say they are addicted to this and addicted to that and they just cant go with out. but isnt it just a choice? dont YOU choose to do whatever it is your "addicted" to? such as smoking, everyone says they hate it and it tastes bad and that it makes their clothes smell but their addicted to it so they cant stop...they chose to start so why cant they choose to stop? the same goes with drinking and being an alcoholic, you know what your doing when your doing it so why not stop doing it? they say they can go years without, and then all of a sudden something in their mind tells them they need a drink and then it just goes over board and things are bad again. then there are people who are addicted to drugs because they get them high, they know its wrong and it could do alot of harm to them..but they like the feeling of being high and care free so they continue to do it?  there are also other types of addiction, that i have seen in shows on people saying they are addicted to sex, vomiting, tattoos, porn, violence, body building and caffeine, diuretics, gambling, pain killers, and much much more...some of these things can cause so much harm to you and your loved ones! and most say they are ashamed of their addictions and that it has ruined many relationships with loved ones in their lives..but once again they continue to do it. i really just dont get it. maybe i would understand if i were in their shoes but im not nor do i wish to be. i simply just dont understand.

"god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change; courage to change the things i can; and wisdom to know the difference. " - Reinhold Niebuhr

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