A lot of people try to alter who they are to be more like others. But me, not so much. I am who i am, so except me for me. To me, Originality is key! If you want people to like you for who you really are then you must show them who that is! One thing i have always disliked is a "copier". I am one who has always wanted to be original. I have always been different in my own way.. Back home friends and family and fellow employees would ask where my hillbilly accent that randomly comes out came from, because no one else in my family had it. I honestly dont know..i didnt wake up one day and decide i was going to rock a hillbilly accent. But rocking my differences is just what i liked/like to do! And like with a camera in hand, i see things so differently it amazing. I have seen plenty of photography pages, enough to know that some people arent very original with their work. You have to be willing to think out side the box to capture a memory so beautiful that it will last a lifetime. But everyone is so scared to different that they just dont try anything new...they stick to the "norm".And to me, the NORM is just boring! "Don’t try to be someone else. This may seem like it goes without saying, but just be yourself, you want your clients to hire you because they feel a real connection with you, not with an idea of someone you are trying to be." - Megan Squires. I believe this is one reason why i absolutely love watching dancers because it seems like every dance/dancer is different, everyone and every move adds a little something extra/different to the dance floor. And maybe thats what we should all do.. picture life as one big dance floor as we are all God's dancers with our own unique steps, with a few battles along the way.
i have always been told that it is better to keep things as they are, but nothing is ever going to change and no one is ever going to be different if we all continue to "copy" others and to "alter" who we are to fit in. If you have to copy or change yourself to fit in then your always going to be unhappy, because you are not being true to you and your living a lie.
the point behind this blog is to sit back and ask your self do you "DARE TO BE DIFFERENT"
God Bless!
U used my quote about catching a memory that will last a lifetime lol u copier! Great post!!!
ReplyDeletehaha, oh gzzzz, i guess i did copy you! my bad! i had something very similar on my photog page..but i couldnt remember what it was since i no longer have it. lol. and thankss! (: