Monday, February 25, 2013

a trip down memory lane

The other day Wesley was fighting his nap like crazy so we put him in his seat and took him for a ride. I had no clue where we were but the scenery was pretty and relaxing, open fields, horses, cows and old run down barns and country roads. It was nice to be out and not know where i was for a little while just getting away and enjoying a ride in the jeep the sun was starting to go down on one side of us and the moon was starting to come up on the other it was beautiful out.
Well during the drive and seeing the horses it reminded me of a time when an old friend and I went with another old friend to ride her horse, well she was injured so we had to get her horse for her..we had no clue where they were so we just started watching in the pasture up hills and over to tree lines and all over the place we finally got to the top of the hill and found the horse well then the challenge was getting him down off the hill so we could ride him, when we finally got them down off the hill then it was like a game trying to catch that horse was a challenge thats for sure, that was my first experience with anything like that, but it was funny (not at the time) but once we finally got the horse none of us wanted to ride after all of that.
good times, good times.
Thats one thing I will say, I have had some good times here, whether they have lasted or not. I have had many memorable moments and many learning experiences while we have been here.

thats all for now!!

God Bless!

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