Saturday, November 26, 2011

coming home!

Getting ready to go home, which means im going loads of laundry, tons of cleaning, lots of packing! We are heading back home for a little while either late tomorrow early monday! So i have to get all of this stuff dont like now since we're not 100% sure when we are going yet! But we are going and thats all that matters! I am so excited to go home and see my mom and siblings, they all have came down to see us so now it is our turn to see them! I am also very excited to  go home and see robs family, only his one sister has gotten a chance to come down and see us so this will be the first time we see the rest of them since we got married in march! I have all laundry washed, just wish my drier worked as fast as my washer did..if it did id be done with the laundry by now! I have all the gifts we got for the family wrapped and packed, and the air mattress and pump are ready and i have started packing the hubby and i's close, although im not doing a good job at packing his because im not so sure what he wants to wear. you know how guys are! Oh and we finally agreed on taking moe so he gets to go on this little vaca as well! yay! Im excited although i know im going to hate getting out and taking him to go to the bathroom, but i know i have to and it will be worth it! My family loves this dog and robs family hasnt gotten to see him yet except through pictures! Speaking of pictures get ready for alot of pictures to be posted when we get back! Well, drier stopped time to go fold that load and put in another, and repeat!

Til we come back...

God Bless <3


Do you ever feel like no matter what you do its not enough? No matter how much you give you get nothing back? No matter how hard you try you just cant get it right? 

Sometimes it feels like a slap in the face and sometimes it hurts worse, or maybe a little less..depending on your situation. 

I feel like no mater what i always try/want to see the good in people/things, no matter how many times i am proven wrong i never give up trying. I always think that maybe if i can find the good in someone or something then maybe i can make a difference and maybe i can help make a change. It seems as though i am always proven wrong or hurt along the way. But that doesnt mean i give up hope because i know it only takes but a little bit to make a difference and to brighten someones day, whether they try just as hard in return or not. 

You may here me say that i have given up on so in so or something but the truth is, i havent and i cant. Very few gave up on me when i was growing up so why would i give up on someone else. 

Its like a pay it forward... Someone does something nice for you and you do something nice for someone else...may it be something life changing or just holding the door for someone. Its the thought that counts. But im the kind of person that unless you really screw me over ill always be there for you, no matter what. 

Sometimes things go wrong or you miss a step and fall, but you get back up and keep trying. 

A mom doesnt give up on their child when they stand for the first time but only for a second then fall, she continues to encourage her baby to stand again and take a step. A coach doesnt give up on a player after they strike out, they give you courage to go back up to bat and try again. A sister doesnt give up on their sister when they barrow their shirt and spill something on it. A brother doesnt give up on a brother for not being into the same sports as him. A sister doesnt give up on a brother for getting a girl pregnant. A brother doesnt give up on their sister for dating the wrong guy. A girl doesnt give up on guys after one broke her heart, they keep dating to find what they truly want/need in a guy and later find the one!  A child doesnt give up on learning how to ride a bike after the first fall, they use it as a tool to keep trying! A dad doesnt give up on his son when he doesnt follow in the same foot steps, he lets him make his own path to follow. 

I know sometimes life gets rough and you feel as though theres nothing left to do but to throw in the towel, no matter how hard it gets dont give up. i know i never will. i may walk away and try to tackle it another time, but i dont give up..esp not on a person. 

But theres also only so much you can do. You can be the bigger person..You can man up and confess when youve done wrong and except the punishment. You can try to make amends with those youve hurt. You can try to explain that it was all a big misunderstanding on both ends and try to make it right. 

Do whatever it is you feel you need to do, once you have done whatever it is you must sit back and realize that there is nothing more you can do....for the ball is in their court now. I say never give up, because you never know what the outcome will be. So whatever the situation be the bigger person and try to make it right! Just try, whats the worse that could happen!? 

Have Faith!

God Bless! 

"The minute you think about giving up, remember why you held on for so long"

"Just remember no matter what you do you're always enough" 

"Never give up on things that have once made you smile"

Friday, November 25, 2011


Yesterday was thanksgiving, although it was odd having a thanksgiving without my family around it was an okay day. I had thanksgiving on post at my friend Alysa's house. Our old friend Melissa and her husband Weston came over as well. It was nice having the gang back together again, even if only for a little while. We also took moe, he got to play in the back yard with Alysa's dog Bella, He had a blast! We had a great amount of food... I made my moms twice baked potatoes, Melissa brought, and cut the veggies, Anthony made the turkey, with help from Weston, and Alysa made the pumpkin roll and the stuffed rolls and green bean casserole, I helped Alysa make the sweet potato pie, and the stuffing, and Melissa helped Alysa make the Macaroni casserole. Melissa did the dishes while Alysa and I finished up our cooking, then I pitched in to help Melissa clean up. Rob stopped by to get some food when it was dinner time, but he was unable to get any food because the neighbor people decided to make a fuss about another neighbors dog. So Rob had to deal with that instead of being able to eat some of the delicious food that we all helped make. It was nice, everyone got along and we were all helping each other! Us girls ate dinner at the table talking, just like old times.. While the guys ate on the couch. I stayed at Alysa's til Rob got off work, and helped Alysa, Anthony and Victoria decorate their Christmas tree. By time Rob got off at 10, dinner was of course cold by then, so when he showed up after work I got a plate of food around for him and heated it up. He ate it all so fast im not really sure he even tasted any of it! We hung out a little longer after he got done eating, but we were all exhausted so we didn't stay too long. So Thanksgiving went rather well this year!

Well that was my Thanksgiving in a nutshell!

God Bless!


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

seeing old friends

So excited to go back home to my family and friends. We get to have family dinners with both his family and mine. And we get hang out with old friends.

Speaking of old friends, i love running into them and i say that honestly! I love being able to see them and see that they are doing well. It also reminds me of all the fun times we once had, sure makes me miss the friendship, most definitely not the falling out part of the friendship, but the good parts..laughter, hanging out, being silly, having someone there to talk to, all that good stuff. And though i may not always know the cause or why the friendship had to end, i will always cherish what it was. For there is always a reason God puts people in our lives, whether for a life time or just a short little while. And i know that no matter what happened i would/will always be there for whom ever it may be, because thats the kind of person i am! So anybody and everybody remember that, im always here if you need talk to, to listen or anything for that matter.

Truth is there are several friends that i wish i could/would have kept in contact with. I wish we still had the friendship we did before. Laughter, Games, Talks, Listening, Hanging out, Double Dates, Lunch Dates, Movie Nights..and so on. But things change, people move, people change, and things go down hill from there. Its saddens me that it happens that way, i wish it didnt have to, but it did/does. Now i am not talking about anyone specific but sometimes I wish more people could just talk through their differences, judge a little less, ask if something they heard was true, talk to you and not behind your back, know right from wrong, point fingers at themselves when need be and go to that person and be honest, tell them whats on your mind and whats going on, understand that sometimes people are more understanding then you think, and that sometimes things can be taken the wrong way.. then maybe, just maybe we would still have more of our old friendship's today.

Thats why being a child is awesome, when your young you dont have a care in the wold, you fall down and scrape your knee, your feelings get hurt when others call you names but your over it in five minutes. And your all back to playing together on the playground.

But Anyway..

So i cannot wait to see my old friends, and tell them all about my new life and everything going on! Should be a fun time!!

"Sometimes, i wish i could talk to you again...just like old times"

God Bless <3

And to all of my old friends, i hope all is well wherever you are..and i ment what i said above, if you need here!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Giving Thanks

There comes a time when you must sit back and realize what really matters in life, and who you really need to be a part of your life. There also comes a time for giving thanks! Some people just don't do this enough! Thanks Giving is just a couple days away, and we all have so much to be thankful for!

I have more to the thankful for than I could ever imagine...
I have recently been invited to several Thanks Giving dinners, it had me a little overwhelmed. I wasn't sure what to do, or whose to go to. I almost said thanks, but no thanks to them all, because i didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. So i thought about it and i know they are all very nice understanding people! I wanted to go to where i could still have thanksgiving with my husband. So i will be going on post to a friends house so that if Rob does indeed get a free minute to stop by and grab some food then i'd be able to spend a little bit of our first thanksgiving together as a married couple! Plus no one wants to spend the holidays alone! So i am thankful to all who had opened their homes to me on Thanksgiving day! I greatly appreciate the offer!

I am also so very thankful to have such great friends and family (both here and back home!), even though we do not always see eye to eye..we are still there for each other no matter what!

I am grateful to the army for letting my husband take leave so that we can go home at the end of the month for a little while to our friends and most importantly our family!

I am extremely grateful to have my husband in my life.. he is my best friend, my high school sweat heart, my rock, my strength, my love and my life with him makes perfect sense, don't get me wrong we have our fights just like every other married couple but we know we love each other and will always be there for one another! No matter how mad at him i am it never takes us long to make up, hes so goofy its hard to stay mad at him esp since he knows just what to do or say to make me smile on a bad day!

 I am also grateful for my job, it would be nearly impossible to be able to do anything extra without my job! I absolutely love what i do!

I would also like to give thanks to those whom i have once been close to, ..there must have been a reason for our fallout but thank you for i am sure at one point in time you have taught me something, whether it be something about myself or something else. Also i hope all is well for you, wherever you are!

 And a thank you to my husband along with every service member out there who puts their lives on the line for us! Thank you for all you do! It cant be easy taking time away from your family and friends and miss out on things you'd like to do to protect us, but you do it anyway! So a huge thank you to all of you!

I am grateful that the sun is up every morning when i wake up, and the moon, every night! Sometimes it is the little things in life that mean the most, But those are also the things that most take for granted!

So give a wave of thanks to the guy who lets you through traffic. Say thank you to the person holding the door open for you. Shake a soldiers hand and thank them for all they do for you. Call up your parents and thank them for giving you life and teaching you everything you know. Get a hold of your friends and thank them for always being there for you. Never forget those who were once a part of your life, for there is always a reason that they were there! Don't just thank others for these such things, pay it forward and do something nice as well.

Those are just a few things i am Thankful for! What are you thankful for!?

God Bless <3

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bows and Tutus

Lately i have taken up a new hobby! A friend and i have started making bows and tutus. (well together we have dont bows and separately i have done tutus). I am having so much fun with this! It is so easy and relaxing and fun to see what kinds of different combinations one can come up with! I have started making tutus for some friends and family back home! And i cant wait to give them to those precious little girls, so excited to see them on! Im sure they will love thme!! here are a few... 

i made the top two, the other ones alysa did

 first tutu and matching headband that i made! 
not completely finished ran out of tulle for the top layer!

close up on the headband i made

the second bow i made

 first bow i made 

 tye dye bow i made! 

 i made the bottome one 

 showing the colors match in the bow and tutu! 

first cheer style bow i made 

 second tutu i made, more layers in this one than in the first! 
ont completely finished, ran out of tulle for the top layer of the back side!

bow/headband i made to match the tutu!
the tutu looks really light in color because i have white under the blue,
so in this bright lighting it doesnt look as blue as it really is.

blue tutu/bow set!
and the poor lighting her makes the bow look real dark!
and a better view of the bow/headband. 

i have two more tutus and matching headbands to go! These are so much fun! I will post pictures of them all when i am completely finished! These little girls are going to LOVE them! i will also post pictures when we get back from our visit home of the little ones in there tutus and bows!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

the haunted

So last night Rob and I were talking about how we cannot wait to get out of these apartments we are in.

The reason we say this is because several creepy unexplained things have occurred. It all started one day when I was home alone, the door stopper randomly sounded as though some one was flicking it or playing with it in some way, it just kept making that boiiiiing sound, that made my dog go nuts. We tried to figure out what would have caused this we tried pushing to door into it to see if maybe it had scrunched it up in some way and it had finally broke free, but we could not get it to do so.

Then one night while we were sleeping Rob had woken up, like he normally does in the middle of the night although this time he couldn't move and something was in his face. I was still asleep therefore I did not see what he saw finally he was able to move and he sprung up and yelled. This woke me up, I asked him what was wrong and he said he saw a guy. I ran to the bathroom and I mean I literally ran right across the hall to the bathroom, did my business and went back to the bedroom. I asked him what he meant by he saw a guy and he said oh don't worry it was in my dream. Well the next morning he told me he didn't believe it was in his dream and he only told me that it was so he didn't scare me. So we started sleeping with the door shut that seemed to help him.

Well one morning I got up went into the kitchen and pepper was slung all over my floor, from the door to the oven, under my table it was everywhere. I had asked rob if maybe he had gotten up in the middle of the night for a snack he said he didn't get up that night and he hadn't used the pepper for a couple days. And the pepper wasn't even out when i got up. it was in the cupboard where it belongs!

When I shower when I am home alone I lock our doors and I put the dog in the bathroom with me, it makes me feel a little more safe, well sometimes when I shower I see a shadow outside my shower curtain. I always think that maybe Rob has gotten off early and is trying to scare me, so I peek out and see if anyone is there and no one is. Last night since Rob and I were recently talking about it while he was in the shower I stood outside of the tub behind the curtain to see if he could see my shadow, he didn't see a thing. And when in the shower there is no shadow on the curtain, so I am not seeing my own shadow. So what is the shadow I am seeing and how!?

We have also woken up to our fridge wide open, when rob gets up for a snack it isn't usually for something out of the fridge it normally for brownies or a cookie. So he says it wasn't him, and I know it wasn't me I only get out of bed at night to go to the restroom.

We have gotten up to our sink on. And we will find the sink on in the middle of the day.

While sitting watching tv or on the computer I will here vibrating sounds and think someone is calling me, but my phone isn't nor has it gone off at that time.


Saturday, November 12, 2011


First off i would like to say that this is not about any one in particular, just my opinion about some things i have noticed about yesterdays, todays and tomorrows facebookers. I have noticed that some people just don't leave anything out. Sometimes there are certain things that just need to remain unknown. I have seen girls talk about their period openly on facebook walls/status, some things you can talk about without really saying in detail what it is that you are talking about. I have seen guys talk about their sex life via faceook walls/status.. i mean i get that guys don't really care but some things others just don't need/want to know! I have also seen girls with underwear mirror pictures as their profile picture, why would you even want that on facebook in the first place!? And guys with pictures where their pants are so low their asses are practically showing, no one really wants to see that! Not to mention the other day i saw a picture of a girl in the restroom sitting on the toilet, pants pulled down and all..!? Then there are the people who put every little detail of their lives on facebook and then get mad because people get in their business or disapprove of what they have said/done.  I mean you cant really get mad at someone for voicing their opinion about something you posted, your posting it on the internet where everyone and their brother can see!? And if you feel that what you are posting will just cause drama and your trying to avoid it, then just don't post it!?  Do not get me wrong i post pictures and status and comment on peoples walls, but i try not to put too much out there, if i wanted people to know what i was doing then i would to go that person and tell them, via text or call or private message or i would just tell them when i seen them...unless its something like going to work or going on a walk or  hanging out with the hubby  or something silly like that then it doesn't really bother me who sees it, most the time my status' are lyrics or quotes anyways, so like i said i don't really mind who sees them. I am also not judging anyone for what they post or say or do because i am sure that i also do things or say things that others do not agree upon and in the end its all up to them anyways. There are just some things that i would never dream of putting out there, but others i am simply just voicing my opinion. I am sure there are some of you who agree with me, and others who don't and if not for that i am sorry.

just saying.

God Bless <3

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

End of November

Dear November, please hurry up... September and October flew by in the blink of and eye, so why must you slow down I am oh so ready to get out of this town! (bahhahah) Anyways, I am anxiously awaiting the end of November so that the husband and I can go home to our friends and family for a little bit! But I know that this month is going to seem as though it is taking years longer than other months because we have plans! We have family dinners to attend and friends to see, and stuff to do! We have a friend here who has offered to watch our puppy, which makes me a little sad but I know he will be taken care of and get some energy out while playing with their little girl! We have a few things we must do before we leave, like go CHRISTMAS shopping for our family! YAY! Bah I am so excited, I cant really even put into words how excited I am. So November you can hurry it up any time now, if you did it'd be greatly appreciated! (:

thats all for now, time to clean and take the dog out again and eat some lunch then head to work!

Enjoy your Holidays!
God Bless!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I have been sitting here trying to think of what to write about for about and hour now. So I decided I would write about how blessed I am at this moment! I have great friends that I know I can always count on. A few of them being here and a few of them being back home. I also have a great job that I enjoy very much! And a family that I would be completely lost without! And not to mention my amazing husband and puppy! All of the people I am talking about in this blog mean a lot to me, I do not know what I would do without them! They all add a little something extra to my life, sometimes bad but mostly good! Hey we all have our ups and downs right! I am so very blessed! I'm definitely not saying that my life is perfect because there is no such thing, I am simply saying that my life has been BLESSED, with amazing people and great opportunities. Truth is I wouldn't trade my life for the world!  I mean who would give up a job they love, family and friends that mean so much to them!? Surely not this girl! I am very happy with where my life is at and where it is going at this point! I have Happiness and Love and plenty of Laughter and much more, What more could a girl ask for!? So here is a big THANK YOU, to all my friends and family and my husband for putting up with me and for being there for me! Thanks all, love you!

God Bless <3