Tuesday, November 22, 2011

seeing old friends

So excited to go back home to my family and friends. We get to have family dinners with both his family and mine. And we get hang out with old friends.

Speaking of old friends, i love running into them and i say that honestly! I love being able to see them and see that they are doing well. It also reminds me of all the fun times we once had, sure makes me miss the friendship, most definitely not the falling out part of the friendship, but the good parts..laughter, hanging out, being silly, having someone there to talk to, all that good stuff. And though i may not always know the cause or why the friendship had to end, i will always cherish what it was. For there is always a reason God puts people in our lives, whether for a life time or just a short little while. And i know that no matter what happened i would/will always be there for whom ever it may be, because thats the kind of person i am! So anybody and everybody remember that, im always here if you need me..to talk to, to listen or anything for that matter.

Truth is there are several friends that i wish i could/would have kept in contact with. I wish we still had the friendship we did before. Laughter, Games, Talks, Listening, Hanging out, Double Dates, Lunch Dates, Movie Nights..and so on. But things change, people move, people change, and things go down hill from there. Its saddens me that it happens that way, i wish it didnt have to, but it did/does. Now i am not talking about anyone specific but sometimes I wish more people could just talk through their differences, judge a little less, ask if something they heard was true, talk to you and not behind your back, know right from wrong, point fingers at themselves when need be and go to that person and be honest, tell them whats on your mind and whats going on, understand that sometimes people are more understanding then you think, and that sometimes things can be taken the wrong way.. then maybe, just maybe we would still have more of our old friendship's today.

Thats why being a child is awesome, when your young you dont have a care in the wold, you fall down and scrape your knee, your feelings get hurt when others call you names but your over it in five minutes. And your all back to playing together on the playground.

But Anyway..

So i cannot wait to see my old friends, and tell them all about my new life and everything going on! Should be a fun time!!

"Sometimes, i wish i could talk to you again...just like old times"

God Bless <3

And to all of my old friends, i hope all is well wherever you are..and i ment what i said above, if you need anything...im here!

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